Thursday, September 24, 2009


Danyl Johnson auditioned on X-Factor and essentially took over the audience. Personally, I was so memorized by it, I watched it three times. It was clear Danyl was passionate, relaxed and excited to be performing. Watching my initial micro teaching episode, I was dissapointed to see my lack of all three of these elements. I saw little enjoyment and even less excitement in my teaching. I plan on conveying my interests in helping my students learn by showing students my love for sports or games and skills being taught. I need to put more excitement in my voice and body language, and demonstrate more hands on teaching. To make my students want to come back to my class I will make the class fun and exciting to come to. If I am not fun and exciting myself, then the class will not be. I plan on using the "floor" better, much like Danyl who was all over the stage and using all of the space he was given. Danyl's performance was everything teaching should be, interesting, exciting and wonder he's a teacher!

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