As a physical educator I was required to complete Anatomy 1 and 2. In these courses I learned different theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals. The class tested my knowledge on the bodily functions and how activity correlates with development. I apply these concepts in the classroom by understanding the benefits of activity to my students health.
Standard 2: Skill-Based and Fitness-Based Competence
Physical education teacher candidates are physically educated individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate competent movement performance and health-enhancing fitness as delineated in NASPE's K-12 Standards
As a student at SUNY Cortland I am undoubtedly acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate competent movement performances and health-enhancing fitness. I have taken a variety of activities ranging from badminton to ice skating to gymnastics, all of which I am able to perform a demonstration of control or proficient level. As I progress through the program I will build my skills and range of performance. The photo below is a demonstration of the backwards swizzle:

Standard 3: Planning and Implementation. Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.
As a student at SUNY Cortland I am undoubtedly acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate competent movement performances and health-enhancing fitness. I have taken a variety of activities ranging from badminton to ice skating to gymnastics, all of which I am able to perform a demonstration of control or proficient level. As I progress through the program I will build my skills and range of performance. The photo below is a demonstration of the backwards swizzle:
Standard 3: Planning and Implementation. Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.
In EDU255 I have been challenged to create lesson plans for teach lesson taught that address local, state and national standards.
Standard 4: Instructional Delivery and Management. Physical education teacher candidates use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance student engagement and learning.
In my lesson teaching table tennis I use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies that enhance students engagement and learning
In my lesson teaching table tennis I use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies that enhance students engagement and learning
Standard 5: Impact on Student Learning.
Physical education teacher candidates utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and to inform instructional decisions.
In my class Statistics and Assessment in Physical Education I was require to create a work sample (coming soon) that assessed students on the overhand serve. After the assessments I created a work sample that reflected and posted my data and observations. My group also had to hold a mock parent teacher conference that informed teachers and students on their performance and grades
In my class Statistics and Assessment in Physical Education I was require to create a work sample (coming soon) that assessed students on the overhand serve. After the assessments I created a work sample that reflected and posted my data and observations. My group also had to hold a mock parent teacher conference that informed teachers and students on their performance and grades
Standard 6: Professionalism.
Physical Education teacher candidates demonstrate dispositions essent
ial to becoming effective professionals.
Some key components to being a professional are proper attire and attitude. I always come to class dressed in attire allowing movement and participation. When I am teaching I dress professionally in khakis and a collared shirt. I always attend class with an excited attitude and am ready to learn. I enjoy the transition from being a student to teaching.
All of these Standards are crucial to becoming a physical educator and I look forward to being able to build on these Standards and be the best physical educator I can be!
Some key components to being a professional are proper attire and attitude. I always come to class dressed in attire allowing movement and participation. When I am teaching I dress professionally in khakis and a collared shirt. I always attend class with an excited attitude and am ready to learn. I enjoy the transition from being a student to teaching.
All of these Standards are crucial to becoming a physical educator and I look forward to being able to build on these Standards and be the best physical educator I can be!
Need links to artifacts and pictures!